Our state-of-the-art H&E solution fully automates every step of the hematoxylin and eosin staining process. Providing the operational flexibility to meet laboratories' special needs, it delivers consistent, high-quality results while maximizing productivity and optimizing resource utilization. It is the efficient, safe and accurate choice for H&E.
Our H&E solution combines the advanced Dako CoverStainer with ready-to-use reagents, a validated, optimized protocol, and features - an intelligent, automated reagent handling system (DakoRMS).
Our H&E solution combines the advanced Dako CoverStainer with ready-to-use reagents, a validated, optimized protocol, and features - an intelligent, automated reagent handling system (DakoRMS).
H&E ReagentsReady-to-Use Reagents for H&E staining |
H&E AncillariesH&E Ancillaries for Dako CoverStainer |